5 Most Romantic Zodiac Signs That Plan the Best Proposals

Popping the question on a hot air balloon or in front of your family and friends — whatever be your dream proposal style, read on to know all about the best lovers of astrology!

When it comes to love, there are so many ways to express your feelings. So, whether you like over-the-top displays of affection or want to roll the minimal way with a cosy dinner, celebrity astrologer and prophesier Pandit Jagannath Guruji shares the zodiac signs who have no problems showing their romantic side:



Taureans believe in serious, long-term relationships. Classic lovers with a penchant of wooing and old-school romance, they prefer taking it slow and want to really fall in love before taking things to the next level.



You can call this fire sign the most passionate when it comes to love. Not one to shy about expressing how they truly feel once bitten by the love bug, they love to spoil their partners with expensive gifts and may even plan sweet surprises.



Beneath all the stoicism, Capricorns are indeed hopeless romantics. They don’t fall in love very easily but when they do, they make every possible effort to make their partner happy.



Aquarians are daydreamers and love to get surprised with gifts and letters in the middle of the day. They don’t like the dating culture and want to be absolutely clear about their romantic relationship. No clingy or controlling partners for them. 



Pisces are born romantics. They like to take things slow and want an intimate, long-term relationship. They are governed by the planet Neptune and can go to any lengths when it comes to romance - foot massages, warm home-cooked meals, long walk on the beach...you know the drill! 


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Apr 30, 2024

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