10 Ways to Declutter Your Wardrobe and Home in 2021

Certified professional organiser Rohini Rajagopalan tells you how to reduce the clutter and opt for a more sustainable way of living.

It's time to get in the spring-cleaning mode and bring out all your cute spring-summer outfits. Doing away with the excess stuff helps you get rid of things that you don't actually need that tend to occupy too much space and end up making your home or wardrobes messy. 

Bonus, it also helps you assess and plan all the gorgeous OOTDs for the season! 

decluttering 2021

"Cleaning up your homes with the changing season is something that has been advocated in many ancient Indian traditions. For instance, sprucing up your home during Diwali or Bhoogi in the south. Change of season is one more opportunity to declutter and let go of things we don’t find purpose in our daily lives. With summer setting in, most of us have had to pack away the warm clothes or even change various skincare products that we use, so, this is the best time to downsize and declutter," says Certified professional organiser Rohini Rajagopalan, founder of Organise With Ease.

Here are her suggestions to get your wardrobe and home summer-ready:

Downsize your winterwear

"Before packing away your cold-weather clothes for the next winter, ask yourself these question – would you enjoy wearing them the next time around? Is the outfit in a good state to be worn again? These questions will help you decide what you need to keep and what you need to let go of." 

Stop hoarding footwear

"Ask the same questions when it comes to footwear too. Review your collection and discard the pieces that are worn out, uncomfortable or those that have been unused for a while."

Edit the linen cupboard

"The changing season required you to upgrade your linens too.  As you pack up the thicker sheets, covers or cosy blankets, review the items before putting them away. Keep only those you see yourself enjoy using again next season. Linens for the current season can also be edited depending on your actual requirement at your home."  

Review the home decor

"Home furnishings such as cushion covers and throws are often a neglected aspect of seasonal clean-up. If you possess winter furnishing that you have not used through the season, it might make sense to really evaluate storing them."

Audit the pantry

"As you switch to a more cooling diet for the upcoming warmer months, it is time to throw away expired or un-edible food. Since food items come with limited shelf life, do take out all that you don’t see yourself using during these hot months." 

Skincare shelf check

"Our personal care products, be it creams, shampoos or perfumes, also tend to get swapped for lighter and more summery fragrances. Before making the change, review the products you have kept but not used throughout the winter months. Only keep the products you love using and make your body feel great."

Amp up the fragrance

"I personally also prefer changing essential oils and candles in my home as a part of the decluttering. The smells I prefer to use are very different in the summer months. So, bin all the used candles remains or empty jars of essential oils and keep only the ones you see yourself reaching out for in the next few months."

Unclutter the first aid kit 

"Medicines can always do with a quick decluttering session. Check for expiry and also remove medicines that you no longer consume. Update your stock with the required medication."

Usual defaulters...

"Counter spaces normally tend to get filled with papers, bills or items that need attention. Relook at each of your counter spaces and put things back in the right place or discard unwanted bills and papers."

...the refrigerator

"Your fridge is another area that can always do with a quick audit. Check each shelf and discard or give away food items that you don't see yourself using. Clean up the fridge with a nice wipe for an odour-free space. Bring in some fresh plants or flowers and get your home ready for the summer."


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