Detangling, Heat Styling and Other Wet Hair Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Costs

Wet hair, don't care? Experts urge you to start caring; pronto.

Blowdrying your hair each time you wash it can be quite a pain in the a**. That said, combing through, heat styling, or sleeping with a wet mane can do more damage than you'd think. "Not many are aware that wet hair is fragile and more susceptible to damage than dry hair when pulled, stretched, bent, or handled roughly," reveals Arthi Raguram, Founder, Deyga Organics. 

If you've been taking the easy route all this while, it's time we break it to you: the tiniest missteps could be *ruining* your hair—a lot. To answer all your 'why's', 'how's', and 'but's', we got in touch with two haircare experts who elucidate why minor errors could cost you in the long run. 

Rubbing and/or Wrapping Wet Hair

Wet hair is more prone to agitation since the outer cuticle is extremely fragile. "Wrapping or rubbing your hair with a cloth towel can be rough for your sensitive strands, giving way to greater hair fall. Instead, opt for a cotton t-shirt that will help absorb moisture more quickly and dry your hair faster," Arthi recommends.

Combing Through Wet Hair 

You already know wet hair = weaker hair. That would explain why your hair splits, breaks, and fall when you comb it through post a shower. "Avoid brushing wet hair to prevent unnecessary breakage, split ends, flyaways, and hair fall. If you happen to have a lot of knots, use a wide-tooth comb to restore order and maintain the longevity of your strands," she adds.

Heat Styling Wet Hair

While heat style does enough damage to your hair otherwise as well, the repercussions are much worse when exposed to wet hair. "When using a flat iron or a tong on wet hair, the heat is amplified, frying your strands and causing long-lasting—often irreversible—damage. Make sure that your hair is entirely dry before applying heat to it, and remember to apply a heat protectant serum or spray beforehand," says Pooja Nagdev, Founder, Inatur. 

Tying Up Wet Hair

"When your hair is wet, its elasticity is at its peak. Thereby, pulling your hair back into a bun or ponytail will cause the strands to stretch, resulting in tension breakage. Furthermore, it will impede your scalp from drying properly, which can lead to eczema and other scalp irritations. After washing your hair, allow it to air dry or use a blowdryer to speed up the process," she suggests.

Sleeping With Wet Hair

Going to bed with a wet mane is a big no-no—and doing so can cause knots and increase breakage, owing to friction from the pillow. To minimise this friction, experts advise using a silk pillowcase which can be a lot less rough on your strands. The natural, smooth texture of silk prevents the hair from rubbing, thereby reducing breakage and thinning. 


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