4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Follow Celebrity Workouts

Their toned and fit bodies are good inspiration to work up a sweat but following their exercise regime may not be a good idea, an expert tells you why

Their toned and fit bodies are good inspiration to work up a sweat but following their exercise regime may not be a good idea, an expert tells you why

How often have you looked at Katrina Kaif’s or Deepika Padukone's workout videos and thought of doing those all by yourself? If you haven’t yet started, then you are doing your body a favour. But if you have and then given it as they didn’t show results or you ended up straining your muscles then you need to know a few facts. 

Besides celebrities posting their workout schedules, a lot of fitness influencers have also inundated YouTube with several challenges and workout programmes. It seems tempting, the promised results and the fact that it’s free and you can do it at home also adds to it allure. However, Simrun Chopra, deep health coach and founder of Nourish With Sim, says, “ When it comes to exercise, health and fitness, very often, we come across cases where people have jumped onto the Zumba, yoga, cardio, HIIT workout trends purely with the help of YouTube and the experts and influencers on the platform. Everyone loves to see people make a dramatic lifestyle change. The truth is, there is a lot more to it than meets the eye, and if these exercise and fitness activities are undertaken without proper guidance and caution, they can do you more harm then good.” She lays down reasons why these workouts aren’t good for you.

1. They can cause injury

These workouts without any expert supervision can lead to injury. Every workout has basics such as warm-ups and posture development which sometimes is not tackled through free content on YouTube. 

2. Each body type is different 

The term fitness can have different meanings for different people. You may be a 20-something year old, wanting to get summer abs, or a new mom wanting to lose weight, or just someone who wants to stay active. The goal is different, the body type is different and hence, it is important to understand what works and what doesn’t. A small back issue can be aggravated if your posture is not right or your body is not ready for it. It’s important to listen to your own body and take advice from an expert in the domain. 

3. Lack of structure 

Every goal requires a road map. Free content lacks structure to create a journey of progress. Think of it like a course. You start with the simplest concept and build on it as you progress. Reading chapters out of order or trying to learn calculus before you’ve mastered the concept of multiplication, is futile. The leading cause of loss of motivation. You cannot expect to see results without structure. 

4. Every workout needs to be coupled with a proper diet 

About 70% of our fitness depends on our diet and 30% on the exercise we do. So, before you do decide to follow your favourite celebrity, fitness YouTuber or influencer, it is important that you first take a deep dive into your diet and nutrition.

Your food intake is important for almost everything that you want to achieve. Be it your skin, your hair or fitness, what goes into your body is what reflects on the outside. So go back and give this some thought. Start with mapping your routine. Write down what you are eating during meals and outside meal times. Understand your body. Then, choose the right kind of fitness and exercise regimen for yourself. Most importantly, don’t forget to enjoy your fitness journey.