4 Astrological Factors to Check Out Before Tying the Knot!

From planetary positions to zodiac signs and more, celebrity astrologer Pandit Jagannath Guruji shares some factors that can affect your romantic relationships.

From planetary positions to zodiac signs and more, celebrity astrologer Pandit Jagannath Guruji shares some factors that can affect your romantic relationships.

Wondering if your love story will have a happy ending? Here's help.

Pandit Jagannath Guruji, celebrity astrologer and prophesier, shares some potent astrological factors that can predict all about your happily ever after.

He says, "Not all love stories are meant to be forever. But can you really guess if your relationship will lead to marriage or not? Well, you can get your answers through astrology. There are many reasons that affect your love relationships such as planetary position and combination of planets in a specific house, and much more." 

He shares some common astrological factors that indicate the separation of two lovers:

The Guna score
The most common means to ascertain the compatibility between two lovers is matching the gunas. The sum total of each guna score is calculated to determine the fate of the relationship. The maximum score is 36, which is quite rare to achieve. Any calculation less than 18 is considered inauspicious; above 18 but below 24 is average and between 24-32 suggests a successful marriage. A score above 32 is a match made in heaven. Sometimes, even after securing a good score, marriage may be an inauspicious event because a few gunas like nadi are extremely important, and if the individual score of this guna is low, marriage is not recommended at all. 

Planetary positions
The most critical planets that indicate the success or failure of a marriage are the Moon and Venus. The Moon's position determines the emotional connection between two people and how well they can understand each other. Venus, on the other hand, reveals physical attraction and sexual compatibility. For a successful union, these two planets must be aligned in a friendly manner. If the planets are placed inappropriately, the union will not be less than a disaster, and it is better to call off the relationship.

The Fifth House
The 5th house in one’s kundali unveils the love aspect. If there is the presence of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu in this house, it is considered inauspicious, and the relationship will not work out. 

The Sixth House
In Kundali, the 6th house indicates a person’s temperament, health and routine. It reveals one’s ability to deal with life and related challenges. It is important to match the life’s perspective of two people if they have to spend their lives together and spend every moment with each other until death. If a person finds Venus, Rahu and Mars residing in his 6th house, it indicates an unfulfilling relationship that will ultimately not lead to marriage.

If there are problems in a relationship, there can be solutions as well. It is always recommended to consult an astrologer before deciding to get married and analyze the compatibility. More than often, astrologers also suggest remedies to nullify the ill effects of negative planets.