How to sleep well before your wedding day

Don’t let nervousness get the best of you!

Don’t let nervousness get the best of you!

We understand ladies, your pre-wedding enthusiasm (or nervousness) will make it difficult to sleep properly before your wedding, but with a little planning and practise, you can ensure that you wake up well-rested, refreshed, and relaxed on your most memorable day. 

How? Here are some tips that will help you get some sleep before your wedding.

Keep the crowd away

You may think that having all your friends and cousins with you the night before your wedding will be pleasant. Almost too pleasant, truth be told. With all that energy around you, sleeping will be the last thing on your mind. It will be ideal to surround yourself with just your best friend or a family member who can ease your nerves, and allow you to rest before the big day. 

Get comfy

You need to be as comfortable as possible because the next day, your bridal outfit will take all that away from you! Wear your comfiest linens and sleep soundly! Make sure you shut the noise out, draw the curtains, and set the temperature of the room to your preferences.  

Calm your Chi

Pamper yourself. Draw a bath or use put some lavender essential oil on your temples or as pillow mist to help you sleep soundly. 

Alcohol is a no-go

Avoid drinking too much the night before your wedding; possibly even a week before. Most people believe that drinking will help them relax and fall asleep, but research shows otherwise. And if you really must, a glass of red wine, and you call it a night! You may want to have chamomile tea instead which will help calm your nerves.

Light exercise

Despite the fact that you are always pressed for time in the weeks leading up to the wedding, you should take out 30 minutes for some light exercise or walk every day. However, avoid vigorous activities late in the day because it is likely to keep you up at night!

Wake up and matcha! 

In the morning, skip the coffee and opt for matcha instead. It gives you an energy boost without making you anxious. You need sustainable and calm energy, and coffee won’t give you that.