This is What Bollywood Celebrities Eat for Hydrated and Glowing Skin

Celebrity nutritionist reveals the superfoods you need to eat for smooth, supple and blemish free skin

Celebrity nutritionist reveals the superfoods you need to eat for smooth, supple and blemish free skin

It’s a well known fact that what you eat will have a direct impact on how you look. So if you haven't been chowing down fruits rich in vitamins and anti-oxidants but snacking on processed food high in sugar and fat then it can show up in the form of dull skin, dark circles around the eyes, acne, oiliness or dryness. Bollywood celebrities who have to be under constant public eye know this fact well. In the warm summer months, they rely on their diet to keep their skin hydrated, glowing and their bodies fit. We get Ryan Fernando, celebrity nutritionist and founder QUA Nutrition to list the foods that your stars fall back on to replenish their energy and keep glowing at all times.

“Water helps remove toxins from the body, improve brain function, maintain body and hormonal balance and transport minerals in vitamins,” says Ryan stressing on why it is important to stay hydrated.  He lists high water-content foods that you need to add to your daily diet. 

Coconut water:  An alternative to the regular water is coconut water. Coconuts are high in potassium and electrolytes, which help you, stay hydrated. It's great for easing muscle aches and cramps.

Cucumber: This contains 95-96% water, is a good source of fibre and vitamins and is also low on calories. Add to your salad and drinks.

Tomatoes: Made up of 93% water, tomatoes is a staple in Indian diet and can be consumed with lentils, salads or in form of chutney. It is works great for body’s immune system, eye and skin health as it provides with Vitamin A.

Watermelon: This fruit contains 91 % water and has essential electrolytes that help prevent dehydration. It is rich in vitamins and minerals while being low in calories. Sprinkle black salt on watermelon to enhance its taste.

Spinach: Spinach is not only high in water content (90-95%), but is also high in iron, which aids in the transport of oxygen throughout the body.

Oranges: These are a favourite of many stars. It contains 85% water and is rich in  vitamin c which helps boost immunity. Its antioxidant properties take care of muscles and skin health. It also aids in absorption of iron from meals.

Along with hydrating foods, you also need to nosh on foods rich in antioxidants. “The exposure to the sun during the hot summer days can trigger release of free radicals in the body. Antioxidant rich foods prevent skin damage by fighting against these harmful free radicals. The ORAC  (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value of foods can be used to determine their antioxidant potential. Kidney beans, Tomatoes, dark chocolates, green tea are some of the antioxidant rich foods,” adds Ryan.