Nutrition mistakes to avoid during the summers

Beat the heat by watching what you eat.

The heat is certainly on this summer. In order to keep hydrated, energised, and well-fed during the summer, it's critical that you pay careful attention to your diet and make appropriate choices. While most of us would opt for all things cool to get some relief, we’ve got an expert to tell you what not to eat and the mistakes you must avoid.

Forgetting to stay hydrated: Dehydration is a typical concern in hot temperatures. Avoid making the error of not consuming sufficient water along with other fluids. Aim for a minimum of eight glasses of water each day, and up your consumption if you are sweating profusely or participating in strenuous physical activity.

Depending on sugary beverages: Many individuals, during the summer, resort to sugary sodas, fruit juices, or energy drinks. These beverages, however, are frequently heavy in calories and added sugars, which can lead to weight gain and other health problems. Choose healthier beverages such as infused water, unsweetened iced tea, or naturally flavoured water.

The overconsumption of cold beverages: While cold drinks can be enjoyable, eating them in excess might impair digestion. Extremely cold beverages could shock the body and impede digestion. For easier digestion, choose liquids that are somewhat colder or room temperature.

Ignoring fruits and veggies: Summer is a terrific time to appreciate the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables available throughout this season. Avoid making the mistake of ignoring these nutrient-dense meals. They are hydrating as well as high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Include a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Depending on unhealthy snacks: During the summer, it's tempting to grab unhealthy snacks like chips, ice cream, and sugary desserts. While occasional indulgence is okay, depending on these snacks as your primary source of nutrition can lead to vitamin shortages and weight gain. Healthy snacks include fresh fruits, yogurt, almonds, and handmade popsicles.

Skipping meals: With hectic summer schedules, it's natural to miss meals or rely on short, unhealthy alternatives. Meal skipping might upset your metabolism and lead to binge eating later. Balanced meals with lean proteins, complete grains, healthy fats, and lots of fruits and vegetables are ideal.

Overconsumption of processed meals: Processed foods such as hot dogs, burgers, and potato chips are frequently served during barbecues, picnics, and outdoor events. While it's fine to eat certain meals on occasion, eating too many of them might be harmful to your health. Balance your meals by including whole foods and healthier alternatives such as grilled veggies and lean meats.

Excessive alcohol consumption: Alcohol is frequently consumed at summer festivals and social activities. Excessive alcohol use, on the other hand, can cause dehydration, poor nutrition absorption, and weight gain. Drink in moderation and stay hydrated by mixing alcoholic beverages with water or other non-alcoholic choices.

Remember that eating a well-balanced diet and making mindful decisions can help you stay healthy, energised, and enjoy the season to the fullest during the summer. 

Inputs by Dt.Vidhi Chawla, Fisico Diet Clinic.


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