The Ultimate Guide to Glowing, Smooth Skin

Double board-certified MD and wellness expert Amy Shah on the combination of diet and beauty regimes for great skin.

Brides Today spoke with Amy Shah, double board-certified MD and Wellness Expert, on how to achieve fabulously flawless skin by following simple practices and incorporating essential ingredients in your beauty routine. Brides, listen in! 

What is the one beauty rule you follow religiously?

I always wash my face and take off my make up at night. We are exposed to dirt or oil and chemicals all day, so it is not advisable to sleep with that seeping into your skin overnight. 

Is there such a thing as over cleansing?

Yes, there is a thing such as over cleansing. There are natural oils on our skin, which protect us from bacteria and lock moisture in. Washing your face more than twice a day with a gentle wash is overdoing it. Often, when people get acne outbreaks, they start washing their face multiple times a day with harsh cleansers. That makes things worse.

What are your thoughts on apple cider vinegar?

It is an ancient remedy for fat loss, clearer skin, and good digestion. This kind of vinegar is fermented from apples and has very good bacteria for your gut. It also has a sugar-lowering effect. When you eat, you usually get a spike of sugar and insulin, and this is a signal to your body to start storing fat. By consuming something like apple cider vinegar you are keeping those levels lower and therefore you will store less fat. The clear skin and good digestion comes from the probiotic and vinegar effect. You want to include probiotic foods daily in your diet and this is a great place to start.  

A good regime for brides would be?

A natural oil like Tamuna oil, a mild retinoid cream for the night, topical clindamycin if you have acne spots, natural zinc based sunblock, and vitamin C cream or serum for that glow. I’m loving squalene oil cleansers. 


An easy guide to planning the ultimate summer wedding

May 07, 2024

From décor to wedding favours, here are the things to keep in mind. 
