A 4-Step Guide
to Peace of Mind

Conscious and controlled breathing helps shift
the focus of the mind. Follow a technique
called '4-7-8 breathing', where you close
your eyes and inhale through the nose for a
count of four, hold onto your breath for a count
of seven, and exhale through the mouth
for a count of eight.

Breath Work to
Relax and Refocus

Try to release and let go of past negative
thoughts, emotions, and insecurities.
First, accept that they exist in your mind,
and then give your brain the instruction:
"I choose to release these unhelpful emotions, feelings, and insecurities from my mind,
body, and soul."

Release to
Declutter your Mind

Bring your focus back to the third eye point
or place your hand on your heart while
breathing, and say, "I infuse peace and
happiness within me with every breath I take."
Repeat the affirmation a few times.

Recenter to Your Third
Eye or Your Heart

Make it a habit to journal your experiences.
After a few days of following this practice,
go back and read your previous journals.
This will not only motivate you to continue
the process but will also establish a sense
of inner peace and stability.

Journal to Experience
Gratitude and Joy